Our Founder

Boris Sonis, LMT

President of Wellness Solutions, LLC, massage therapist, gymnastics coach, and developer of personal therapeutic devices for rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system (MSS)

Boris was born in Uzbekistan (former USSR) where he graduated from the Children's Sports and Youth School and repeatedly performed for the youth sports team of Uzbekistan. In 1979 he earned the title of Master of Sports Candidate in gymnastics.

Boris studied in St. Petersburg, Russia. In 1980, he was chosen to represent the Russia’s student team at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Moscow. He graduated from the State Sports Academy named after P.F. Lesgaft and its Higher Academic Courses for Sports Medicine, Myofascial Release, Massage and Dietetics where he acquired qualifications of a sports coach as well as massage therapist, sports masseur, and rehabilitation therapist.

In the USA, before launching his own business in massage therapy, Boris worked as a Senior Coach in Women's Gymnastics at Cherry Hill Gymnastics Academy, New Jersey, and Georgia Gymnastics Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. Several of his pupils won prizes at the American Sports Gymnastics Championships.

Thanks to Boris’s groundbreaking manual massage method, Myofascial Correction of MSS, his countless patients were able to rehabilitate, restore their health, and return to normal life. His signature three-step method implements various myofascial release techniques to successfully combat muscle spasm and inflammation of the fasciae, some of the leading underlying causes of the MSS pain, according to the recent studies by National Institute of Health (NIH).

Over the course of 35 years of professional work, Boris trained a generation of highly qualified massage specialists who successfully practice his signature technique across USA today. As a recognized expert in the field, Boris was named “Philadelphia’s Best Massage Guru 2013” for dedication and passion for his craft.